We are Maori from Aotearoa (NZ). Hinarangiwaimarie was diagnosed with ANE one day after her 3rd Birthday in Starship Hospital Auckland. She is currently at a bilingual unit with a carer 3 days a week 2 hours a day. She has broken all odds. Walking with aid of splints, talking @15-25 power words, eating, socializing with her peers. Bright little girl with a kind nature.
Update as of March, 2019, Hinarangi has made quite the leap from last year. She is off all meds’ against the doctor’s opinion. She has had light treatment, to repair damage tissue on the brain from erosion. Colodial Silver to suffocate the metals in her blood stream.
She is at school 9am-1pm everyday. She has a support career at school and participates in most activities. She went on her 1st camp! Had swimming sport day, and will start on Disability with Horses this month. She is speaking two languages she could do marathon sign language with words. She loves to sing and try to dance all the Disney movies.