About ANE International

ANE International found its beginnings in early 2016
when a newly diagnosed Australian family connected with a family in Canada. Neither family could find support specific to ANE worldwide. From this humble beginning a closed Facebook group was formed on 1st April 2016. Slowly other members joined, and a community was formed, enjoying support and shared information. Today we have many families, and continue to grow. Members are from The Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and Oceania. The creation of an open Facebook Page in 2017, ANE International, opened up a wider base to share medical information, research and relevant content. In 2017 ANE International launched this website in the hope of bringing even greater awareness.
Our Mission
“To empower ANE families through education, shared experience & support. Creating awareness on all aspects of ANE among the general public, medical & research communities”
Our Vision
To make Acute Necrotizing Encephalopathy (ANE, ANEC, IIAE3, ADANE or ANE1) a highly recognized disease. For it to be as rare as it possibly can be; given its eradication is unlikely. That those affected and their families have access to social & moral support and be provided with informal education through shared family experience. To raise awareness in the medical community about this little known & rare disease and to educate the public about the importance of vaccinations through patient advocacy.

Our Logo
Artist, Mara Pianosi, created this beautiful logo as a representation of beauty, fragility and determination such as all ANE afflicted families show repeatedly over their journey. The butterfly represents the symmetrical brain lesions that are a distinct feature of ANE and the beauty that is found in change.